Would You Have A Threesome with Billy Eichner and Jon Hamm? New Yorkers Weigh In [VIDEO]

14 Nov2016
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Would you have a threesome with Billy Eichner and Jon Hamm? That’s only a question that could be answered with an array of answers on Billy on the Street.

The pop culture game show hosted by Billy Eichner asks unsuspecting New Yorkers the most random questions and sometimes they play games for money and “cool prizes.” It’s a very entertaining show, you have to check it out.

In a clip from an upcoming episode, Eicher asked, “For a dollar, would you have a threesome with me and Jon Hamm,” to women and men on the street. As you can probably already guess the answers varied and were hilarious!

Watch Billy Eichner ask strangers in New York if they would want to have a threesome with him and Jon Hamm in the clip below. Be sure to tune into the 5th season of Billy on the Street premiering tomorrow on TruTV at 10:30. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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