‘Ellen’ Executive Producer Andy Lassner Goes To “Exorcist” Themed Haunted House

27 Oct2016
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We’re days away from Halloween and that means it’s finally time for The Ellen Show Executive Producer Andy Lassner to head back into haunted attractions for the amusement of Ellen DeGeneres and us, her eager audience.

Ellen sent Andy and his assistant Jacqueline to an “Exorcist” themed haunted house and things went exactly as Ellen hoped. Andy and Jacqueline were terrified, there was lots of screaming, Andy hid behind his assistant, and it was hilarious. Next up, Lassner will be heading into another haunted house with Ariana Grande. Stay tuned.

Watch  Andy Lassner and his assistant Jacqueline go through the “Exorcist” themed haunted house in the clip from The Ellen Show below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: EllenTube

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