Garth and Kat Kick Off Glamberween With Halloween Songs

19 Oct2016
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Happy Glamberween!

For the next 13 days counting down to October 31st aka the spookiest day of the year aka Halloween, I’ll be bringing you exclusive content curated around the holiday. GGB will be posting horror movie trailers, dissecting some of my fav horror flicks for you to add to your watch list, share Halloween playlists, pop culture costume ideas, nostalgic holiday films and so much more. Be sure to stay tuned.

To kick off Glamberween I’m sharing a clip of some of my favorite characters from Saturday Night Live: Garth and Kat. Circa 2010, Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig are fresh off a hay ride dressed as the iconic characters. They sit down with Weekend Update host Seth Meyers to sing some Halloween inspired music off their latest album. Only problem, the songs aren’t that ready or rehearsed, but it’s always a funny segment to me.

Watch Garth and Kat sing Halloween hits in this clip from SNL below. Share your thoughts in the comments and be sure to visit GGB everyday throughout the rest of the month for Glamberween content.

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Photo: NBC

Categories Entertainment Television

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