Joshua Luke Smith Releases Spoken Word “Becoming Human” Video For World Suicide Prevention Day

10 Sep2016
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Saturday, September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day, #WSPD16, a day where we come together as human beings to help out our fellow-man who have dealt or may be dealing with thoughts of harming themselves. Today, many are using their platforms to bring awareness and spread a message of love.

Musician Joshua Luke Smith is using his platform today through the art of spoken word to bring attention to World Suicide Prevention Day. He released a new music video for a visual poem that he created with Dominic Doring called “Becoming Human” about the sensitive subject.

“I wrote Becoming Human to connect with the heart of our human story. In a driven culture based on success and stature, where is the space to become, to grow, to fall and then stand back up? In reality we connect at our most vulnerable. We all break sometimes. We all arrived here naked. We don’t talk about our weakness enough and that’s why I think so many of us feel lonely, isolated and disconnected,” Smith said about the visual poem.

Watch the music video for Joshua Luke Smith’s “Becoming Human” below. Share your thoughts in the comments. Be sure to know that you are loved and that there is always someone to help you even if you feel there’s no way out. Seek help in the many suicide prevention hotlines in your area.

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Photo: Project Light Agency

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