Rob Kardashian Is Praying For A Baby Boy In ‘Rob & Chyna’ Clip

06 Sep2016
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Rob Kardashian is praying for his first child with Blac Chyna to be a boy.

In a clip from Rob & Chyna, E!‘s newest reality series branching off the Kardashian empire, Rob is seen in a barber shop with Scott Disick. The two first talk about Rob actually being out and about in public, then the conversation goes to the sex of the baby Kardashian’s expecting with wife-to-be Blac Chyna.

“By the way, are you having  a boy or a girl,” Disick asks with Kardashian revealing he wants a boy to carry on his name. Scott jokes that the Kardashian name isn’t dying down anytime soon, but Rob having a son is more about carrying on the same bond he had with his father.

Watch a clip from Rob & Chyna below, premiering Sunday, September 11th on E!. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: E!

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