Learn Your Presidents Thanks To Social Media Star Reggie COUZ

25 Aug2016
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Social media personality Reggie COUZ has created an alter ego in the form of Holy Tony, a rapper with a producer trying to get him to put out some unique songs.

Back in July, Holy Tony got us all educated by releasing a song for us to know the presidents of the Unites States. The track was catchy and I must admit, I know a lot more presidents than I did before. Now Holy Tony is back again to educate us all on the United States of America. This track isn’t as catchy, but I’m sure it will grow on us and we’ll get to know the states just as we did the U.S. presidents.

Get to know your states in the new video from Reggie COUZ below and in a bonus video get to know your presidents. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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