Maisie Williams aka Arya Stark Tweets About ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 – Be Prepared

23 Aug2016
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Arya Stark is sending Game of Thrones fans into a frenzy as she teases what’s to come for season 7 of the beloved HBO series.

On Twitter last night, Maisie Williams, who plays one of the star-crossed Stark children, tweeted after she got her hands on the script for the upcoming season. She started her series of tweets posting, ” just finished reading season 7″ and “shit gets REAL.” As if it hasn’t already.

Photo: Twitter

Photo: Twitter

Williams continued with, “i’d start preparing yourselves now,” “scratch that, nothing will prepare you for this,” and “holy BALLS.” Excuse me while I FTFO! GOT fans will have to wait until next summer though to see exactly what Williams is referring to.

All my Game of Thrones fans out there are you ready for season 7 of the show? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HBO

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