New ‘American Horror Story’ Season 6 Promos Are Down Right Confusing

15 Aug2016
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There’s a girl better sucked into a beam of light with her back cracking, there’s a sorority girl being attacked by a monster, a creeping shadow following a women under a staircase, and so much more in the new promos for American Horror Story season 6.

We’re less than a month away from the new season premiering on FX and yes, we still do not know what the theme is; a first in AHS history. In the past, the themes centered around a haunted house, an asylum, a witches coven, a freak show, and a creepy hotel. All we know this time around is some familiar faces are returning and that a question mark is involved. The promos have been set in a variety of locations with themes that don’t seem to relate, to me anyway.

Maybe the confusion comes from not knowing the specific theme, which makes it even harder to decipher what is actually going on in these damn promos, but what I do know is that September can’t come fast enough so we can get to the bottom of what’s going to happen in season 6.

Watch the latest promos for season 6 of American Horror Story below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: FX Networks

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