Jared Leto Stars In Skrillex & Rick Ross’ ‘Purple Lamborghini’ Visual From ‘Suicide Squad’ Soundtrack

05 Aug2016
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Assemble your crew because “Suicide Squad” is now in theaters!

Despite so many negative reviews, I caught the film opening day and it was really good, from what I saw, my theater lost power about an hour and a half in. Right in time for opening weekend, Skrillex & Rick Ross released the official music video for “Purple Lamborghini,” off the “Suicide Squad” soundtrack.

To make the visual even better for the hip hop track, Jared Leto appears in the music video as his character in the film, The Joker. If you saw the film you know The Joker and Harley Quinn are just about the best parts.

Watch the music video for Skrillex & Rick Ross’ “Purple Lamborghini” below and share your thoughts in the comments. Be sure to check out “Suicide Squad” in theaters now.

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Photo: YouTube

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