Hello Glamberous Ones,
Just wanted to stop by to give you all the courtesy of an away message while the Democratic National Convention comes to the city of Brotherly Love, aka Philadelphia, from Monday, July 25 – Thursday, July 28.
Some of you may know that I do production assistant work in media and since this is a huge media event coming to Philly, I will be working the event all week with the top local news station here in the city. My hours will be long and my laptop will not be on hand since I’m technically on the clock, so GGB posts will resume on Friday, July 29.
In the meantime, be sure to follow Glambergirlblog on social media to get snippets of pop culture news. Those pages will be updated throughout the week. Thank you for you patience while I work this historical convention in Philly. Stay glamberous
Follow Glambergirlblog.com on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog
Photo: 6 ABC