David Schwimmer and Rebel Wilson Go Head To Head With James Corden In Rap Battle

27 May2016
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David Schwimmer and Rebel Wilson were guests on The Late Late Show with James Corden and participated in the “Drop the Mic” segment of the show that’s slowly growing into a fan favorite part of the talk show.

Resembling a serious rap battle, Schwimmer and Corden were up first to battle head to head as they tried to one up each other with insults. While Corden took jabs at Schwimmer’s fleeting fame, Schwimmer picked on Corden’s middle name, Kimberly, and his British background. I’m not going to lie. I was expecting more Friends pun because let’s be honest, that’s all we really know David Schwimmer for.

Later in the battle just when you thought it was over, out comes “Pitch Perfect” actress Rebel Wilson. Wilson pulled double duty and battled both fellas, but who was really the best?

Watch David Schwimmer and Rebel Wilson in the latest “Drop the Mic” segment from The Late Late Show with James Corden below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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