Game Of Charades with Kit Harington, Rose Byrne and Blake Shelton On Tonight Show

14 May2016
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Games of Thrones actor Kit Harington stopped by The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon and played a game of Charades with “Neighbors 2” star Rose Byrne and musician Blake Shelton.

Harington and Byrne was teamed up and Shelton paired up with Fallon in a five round game that was confusing at first and then slowly turned into a laugh fest. With little to no clues at all Harington got Byrne to guess “Single Ladies.” When Fallon was up he had a hard time getting Shelton to understand the game and their turn was wasted trying to guess “Cats.” The game took a hilarious turn from there.

Watch Kit Harington, Rose Byrne and Blake Shelton play Charades on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: NBC via YouTube

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