NRPR Group Celebrates Glambergirlblog’s 5th Anniversary

22 Apr2016
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It’s always humbling to see the people who show myself and genuine love. That level of energy should be bottled and sold in stores, it’s just that powerful.  When my friends over at NRPR Group heard that my site was turning 5 they jumped at the chance to highlight my brand on their site.

I met the CEO and Founder of NRPR Group Nicole Rodrigues virtually last year. She reached out to me to interview a client of hers (DJ/Producer Delon) after she received great reviews about me from a colleague, always a good thing to hear. After the interview was done we maintained sporadic contact. Let me say Nicole has been so kind since our first email chat willing to help GGB in any capacity. It’s rare to meet people like that especially those you’ve never met in person. The digital age is crazy man.

To celebrate my 5th blogiversary, NRPR Group featured Glambergirlblog on their website in a beautiful piece written by Cadie Carroll. I spoke with them about the inspiration behind GGB, what’s been the hardest part about starting a blog, staying motivated, and of course I dropped some advice for other women bloggers. Read it HERE.

Thanks so much to my friends at NRPR Group! Your kind words mean more than you know and I look forward to growing our business and personal relationships.

Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog 

Photo: Glambergirlblog

Photo: NRPR Group

Photo: NRPR Group

Categories Art & Pop Culture

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