Video Of 106-Year-Old Virginia McLaurin Dancing With POTUS and FLOTUS Barack and Michelle Obama Goes Viral

22 Feb2016
753 0

Prepare your feels because they are about to explode after watching this video of 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin dancing with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at The White House.

McLaurin not only looks amazing to have lived passed a century, but she still has some dance moves. The 106-year-old was so excited to get to see The White House and meet the President and the First Lady than she couldn’t contain her joy and had to dance a little. She told the POTUS and FLOTUS, “I thought I would never live to get in The White House, and I tell you, I am so happy!” The video has since goes viral after the meeting. With Black History Month coming to close in a week I can think of no better moment than this to honor this special month. There will NEVER be a First Family like this, soak it in kids.

Watch 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin dance right into your heart with this touching video from The White House below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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