Jennifer Lopez and Khloé Kardashian Play Password On ‘The Tonight Show’

18 Feb2016
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Jennifer Lopez and Khloé Kardashian were guests on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon and played a fun game of Password while they were there.

Password is a throwback game show where two teams of two take turns getting their partner to guess the secret word. Lopez was paired Jimmy Fallon and Kardashian was paired with Questlove from The Roots. Let’s just say this game was no competition with the final score being 10-0. I’ll let you figure out which team won. The clues were rather hard though with words like “Drizzle,” “Chill,” and “Rod” being given, but as always these games are hilarious on The Tonight Show.

Watch Jennifer Lopez and Khloé Kardashian play Password on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube/NBC

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