Justin Bieber and James Corden Go On A Grammy Carpool Karaoke

16 Feb2016
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Justin Bieber and James Corden are basically besties, so move over Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake because there’s a new late night talk show host/musician duo we’re falling in love with.

After the 2016 Grammy awards Bieber and Corden went on another Carpool Karaoke to follow-up their wildly popular previous ride from May 2015. The two rocked identical tuxedos as they chatted about this year’s award ceremony. They also sung Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk” featuring Bruno Mars and talked about what they received in their Grammys swag bag. Bieber’s was a bit different from Corden’s.

Watch Justin Bieber and James Corden go on a Carpool Karaoke Grammys edition below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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