First Look: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson Star In ‘Mother’s Day’

11 Feb2016
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The same people who brought us “Valentine’s Day,” which I loved by the way, is bringing a new story intertwining tales about the women who brought us into the world – our moms.

Mother’s Day,” directed by Garry Marshall, stars: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Jason Sudeikis, Timothy Olyphant, Shay Mitchell, Britt Robertson, and more. The first trailer showcases stories on what it’s like to be a single mother, being adopted and not knowing your birth mother, having an estranged relationship with your mom, a father stepping into a mother role, and more. I can already tell this is going to be one emotional roller coaster of a film.

“Mother’s Day” will be in theaters April 29, 2016. Watch the first trailer for the film below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Open Road Films

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