Madonna Brings Ariana Grande On Stage During ‘Rebel Heart Tour’ Miami Show

25 Jan2016
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Ariana Grande‘s dreams came true last night when Madonna brought her on stage for a dance, a spanking, and a weird conversation with a banana.

On Sunday during Madonna‘s Miami show of her Rebel Heart Tour, the Grande family was rolling deep celebrating the birthday of Frankie Grande, who turned 33 that day, and Ariana Grande was grabbed on stage to be the “Unapologetic Bitch” of the night.

The ladies danced and talked what they do to bananas, all while Grande could barely keep her composure sharing the stage with the queen of pop.

Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Following the memorable moment, all parties took to social media to beam about the experience. On Instagram, Madonna, Frankie Grande, and Ariana Grande shared photos from the concert. Madonna captioned a photo, “Kewtest Unapologetic Bitch EVER!! Thanks Ariana!!! Tonight was so much FUN! Miami show #2 #rebelheartour” and Ariana captioned a photo, I am dead. @madonnathank you for the spanking & the banana.#rebelheart #forever#unapologeticbitches.” 

Watch Ariana Grande dance on stage with Madonna HERE and HERE. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Instagram

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