Tina Fey As Sarah Palin Is The Best Thing To Happen To Trump’s Presidential Campaign

24 Jan2016
883 0

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not that much into politics. I feel I watch as much as my attention span will allow. I kind of know who’s running and enough about the issues to make an educated decision, but to be honest I’m not that into it, unless Tina Fey puts back on her Sarah Palin wig and does her impression better than the actual Governor of Iowa.

On this weekend’s Saturday Night Live boxer Ronda Rousey served as host with musical guest Selena Gomez, but it was the cold open with Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Darrell Hammond as Donald Trump that took over social media in the trending topics.

SNL perfectly spoofed Palin’s endorsement for Trump, an event that took place last week in Iowa, with Fey returning to the sketch comedy series to reprise her beloved role. She was just as animated and over the top as the Iowa Governor pointing out all the issues Trump think he can overcome to “make America great again.” It was pretty amazing.

Watch Tina Fey as Sarah Palin in the cold open for Saturday Night Live below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: NBC

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