‘Save the Last Dance’ Celebrates 15 Years Since Its Release 15 things we'll always remember

12 Jan2016
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Before she was running things at the White House and handling every situation, Kerry Washington was just Chenille in only the greatest movie ever, “Save the Last Dance” starring Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas.

Photo: Paramount

Photo: Paramount

In 2001, Stiles and Patrick Thomas played Sara and Derek, two teens who went to an urban Chicago high school and fell in love from their common attraction to dance. While Sara dealt with the loss of a parent and being forced to move in with her estranged father, Derek dealt with peer pressure to remain “down” and his families pressures to make something of himself; all while the two faced the harsh realities of being in an interracial relationship. Heavy subject matter, but it was one of the best films in the early 2000’s going straight to number one in the box office upon release on January 12, 2001.

Photo: Paramount

Photo: Paramount

“Save the Last Dance” was the first film of its kind combining hip-hop and ballet and spawned the many dance type movies that followed and even a crappy sequel, but STLD remained an all time classic in my eyes bringing some of the best film lines that I still use to this day in actual conversations. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the film’s release, here’s 15 things we’ll never forget about “Save the Last Dance.”

1.Don’t put your shit on the floor, that’s how easy it is to give to charity.
2. Malakai does not play when it comes to dealing at his spot in the club
3. Lip will get a N*gga killed quick
4. Nikki does not walk on egg shells because the Brady Bunch is at the negro club
5. The way Chenille says “Hold up”
6. “They got white guys at your school?”
7. Nikki “squashing” it on the dance floor. (I live for the Nikki dance)
8. “Stepps” ain’t no square dance
9. Chenielle calling Sara out for calling her brother an “asshole.”
10. Momma Dean was the cutest grandmom ever
11. Snookie’s other nickname
12. The subway scene with Sara and Derek
13. Sara’s first night at Stepps and Derek went OFF when his song came on
14. The soundtrack, umm hello Ice Cube “You Can Do It.”
15. Everything does work out in the end. “Are you ready now?” – Welcome to Julliard

What were your favorite memories from “Save the Last Dance?” Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Paramount

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