Kristen Stewart Talks Winning Cesar Award And Plays Whisper Challenge On ‘Tonight Show’

06 Jan2016
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Kristen Stewart stopped by The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to talk about winning her history making Cesar Award in France and to have a little fun playing the “Whisper Challenge” on the show with Jimmy Fallon.

The two started to talk about her “Clouds of Sils Maria” role and working with her co-star Juliette Binoche. Stewart then went on to discuss being in France with Binoche when she won the Cesar Award. Basically, the award show is the French Oscars and Stewart was the first American actress to win the award which is a very big deal.

Later playing “Whisper Challenge,” Stewart and Fallon took turns getting each other to guess phrases while the other listened to music on full blast. While Fallon was easily able to guess the phrases Stewart was mouthing to him, Stewart didn’t find it as easy, or fun. It still made for an entertaining segment.

Watch Kristen Stewart talk about winning France’s Cesar Award and play Whisper Challenge with Fallon on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon below. Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: NBC

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