Ice Cube and Kevin Hart Ride Along With Student Driver In Funny Clip From ‘Conan’

06 Jan2016
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Now this is the kind of Driver’s Ed that young kids would respond to today, although I’m not sure how much they would actually learn about the road.

In a hilarious clip from Conan, Conan O’Brien took one of his staff member Diana Chang out for a driving lesson since she was on the verge of getting her license. Equipped with a Driver’s Ed “Student Driver” car, O’Brien and Chang set out on the road.

After giving her tips on how to respond when driver’s cut her off, Conan had Diana picked up two friends for her to feel how it is to drive with other passengers in the car. “Ride Along 2” actors Ice Cube and Kevin Hart joined the fun and that’s when things got crazy.

The duration of the ride consisted of talks of drive-by’s, picking up a piñata, stopping to get weed, and a trip to Popeyes.

Watch Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, and Conan O’Brien on the wildest student driver ride ever below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: TBS

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