Glambergirlblog Hiatus

28 Dec2015
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I know, I know, I know, this is like the third hiatus this year, but just like all of you, GGB and I too need a mental break. Slow news days means BS stories and I know y’all don’t care about them as much as I don’t care about writing them, so hiatus it is. will be back in the new year, January 5 to be exact, with new stories, commentary and more. The website might not be active, but GGB on social media still will be, so be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep the pop culture convo going.

Have a happy and safe New Year! See all you Glamberous Ones in 2016!

Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog

Photo: Tumblr

P.S. Since I love pop culture and writing so much, don’t get surprised if a post or two posts up before January.

Categories Art & Pop Culture

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