R. Kelly Walks Out Of Huff Post Live Interview After Awkward Questions Asked [VIDEO]

21 Dec2015
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Grammy-award winning singer R. Kelly stopped by Huff Post Live with host and interviewer Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani to talk new music, specifically his new album The Buffet, the state of R&B, and, unbeknownst to him, his controversial career and his legal issues of engaging sexually with an underage girl.

The conversation started off well. Modarressy-Tehrani introduced R. Kelly and talked highly of his music career and the two talked about his new album, but later the interview took a dangerous left turn when Modarressy-Tehrani asked about how he feels when fans, or haters, don’t necessarily like Kelly’s past and still hold it against him, but still like his music. You could tell R. Kelly was getting a bit defensive, but the interviewer wouldn’t let up and continued the line of questioning by dancing around the main point I guess she wanted to talk about – the underage girl situation.

Things just took a nose dive from there. R. Kelly proceeded to flip the tables and ask Modarressy-Tehrani personal questions about her drinking habits to prove his point that she was asking negative questions insinuating that she was doing it for ratings, but then he would say he understands she’s doing her job. Honestly it was like watching a car crash. It was just getting worse and worse. You could feel the tension even though the computer screen. The big climax came when Kelly just walked out of the interview.

What do you think about the R. Kelly sit down? How would you have handled the situation from either point of view? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HuffPostLive

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