Billy Eichner Hated SATC 2 Just Like The Rest Of Us And Tells SJP To Her Face

15 Dec2015
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Sex and the City fans who loved the series were completely satisfied with the 2008 film “Sex and the City,” that came four years after the six season series ended, but we weren’t so satisfied with the 2010 sequel to the film. So when Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) herself made an appearance on Billy on the Street Billy Eichner made sure to tell her exactly how we all felt.

“Sex and the City 2” sent the girls from New York to Dubai, Carrie cheated on Big with Aiden, Samantha herself landed in jail, Charlotte was having troubles balancing motherhood, and Miranda dealt with a mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s and pondered leaving her practice. Outside of the amazing fashion, it wasn’t great. Eichner sounded off to Parker about how much he hated the film and she found it amusing.

After the “SATC 2” vent, SJP and Eichner proceeded to play “Santa’a Reindeer or Sex App?” Eichner recited items that could either be names of Santa’s reindeer or be popular dating apps. If SJP got enough answers right she would win a prize.

Watch Sarah Jessica Parker play ‘Santa’s Reindeer or Sex App” on Billy on the Street below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube/TruTV

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