Nick Cannon Stars As Chi-Raq In New Spike Lee Joint Inspired By Ancient Greek Play

04 Nov2015
776 0

Get ready for an ancient Greek tale spun with a modern twist in the upcoming drama “Chi-Raq.”

Written and directed by Spike Lee, “Chi-Raq,” pronounced shy rack, takes on a modern adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes about the title character, a woman, going to extreme measures to end the Peloponnesian War.

Spike Lee’s joint has the same plot line but this time with the lead character Lysistrata, played by Teyonah Parris (“Dear White People”/Survivor’s Remose/Mad Men), tackling gang violence in Chicago with rapper Chi-Raq (Nick Cannon) being a major influence in it all. The trailer gives an intriguing flash of images that just might make you go to the theaters to check it out. With this being a Spike Lee film, you know the message is going to blow minds.

The all-star cast features: Angela Bassett, Wesley Snipes, Felicia Pearson, Samuel L. Jackson, La La Anthony, Jennifer Hudson, John Cusack, Harry Lennix, and Steve Harris.

“Chi-Raq” will be in theaters December 4. Watch the trailer below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Amazon Studios

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