Andy Lassner and Eric Stonestreet Go BACK In Haunted House For ‘The Ellen Show’

30 Oct2015
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Happy Halloween, well almost. Thanks for hanging around for 13 Days of Glamberween and I hope you all enjoyed all the exclusive content on the site, but GGB isn’t done yet and neither is Ellen DeGeneres.

Earlier this week, Ellen sent her executive producer Andy Lassner and Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet into a zombie themed haunted attraction for Halloween and it was the funniest thing ever. The only thing that could be better is if they went into another attraction, which they did.

This time, Lassner and Stonestreet tried their luck at a “Halloween” themed attraction filled with Michael Myers characters throughout a replica of the house from the movie. I have to admit that idea is terrifying and the guys handled it well. Of course for us it made for good TV.

Watch Andy Lassner and  Eric Stonestreet go into a “Halloween” themed haunted attraction on The Ellen Show below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Ellen Show

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