Ellen Sends Her Executive Producer Andy Back Into A Haunted House For Halloween

29 Oct2015
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For the past three years Ellen DeGeneres has been sending her executive producer Andy Lassner to a haunted house attraction for Halloween to his dismay and Ellen’s, along with her viewers, delight. Of course for 13 Days of Glamberween I had to highlight Andy’s third year facing his fears at a haunted house.

In the past, Lassner was accompanied by females to different attractions, but Ellen wanted to see if things would go smoother if he was sent with his “best friend,” Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet. The two guys entered a zombie themed attraction filled with guts, gore, and plenty scares. Lucky for us, that meant plenty laughs.

Watch Andy Lassner and Eric Stonestreet go through a haunted house in this hilarious The Ellen Show clip below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Ellen Show

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