Robert Paul Taylor Opens Up About ‘Of Everything I Once Loved’ Book and New Movies

16 Oct2015
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Robert Paul Taylor is an accomplished actor, writer and producer with quite the year to look forward to. The East Los High actor and Street Fame Books owner has multiple books being added to the extensive list of writing credits and three new movies to add to his growing resume.

His latest book of poetry Of Everything I Once Loved: Letting Go, which was released over the summer, invites readers into a journey that takes them deeper into a “stream of consciousness poetry” that follows up his All Out War book. “Of Everything I Once Loved is sort of a departure from my old life,” Robert Paul Taylor said.

He continued, “The photo that I used that Garrett took is a Vietnamese kid in a boat and he’s holding a gun in this boat. You don’t know if it’s a real gun, if it’s a fake gun, but it’s a very eye-catching cover. To me it represents all the childhood things that I use to be in love with, that I use to want. My life has taken such a large departure, or you could say spiritual shift, or change in direction, I’m just such a different person now and my wants and my needs are just so different now. It’s looking back at the person you use to be and being ready to let it go as well.”

Photo: Garrett Suhrie

Photo: Garrett Suhrie

The Of Everything I Once Loved: Letting Go title always gets two types of reactions according to Taylor. “There’s two kinds of people when I tell that title to. I have the title tattooed on my wrists and the other side it says ‘let it go.’ I remember I use to work in a restaurant years ago and I had the tattoo and some people would see it and go, ‘oh God that’s so sad. What about your mom? You don’t love your mom?’ and another person would see it and be like ‘That’s right honey,’ we’re not in control. You got to let it go and go with the flow of life.’ And that’s what it really means to me. Not trying to cling on to every single thing in our lives and thinking we’re making it happen, God is making it happen, we’re just surfing the waves. And when I stay in that mindset, just breathe, relax, and enjoy the ride things seems to go easier for me.”

Solitary Man is another book of poetry that brings out a more romantic side of Robert Paul Taylor. “If any of my books were ‘Student of the Month’ this one would be it. It’s my honor roll student, my little kid. It’s called Solitary Man and this is really probably the brightest stuff I ever written. It’s very God centered. It’s about love and romance. It’s the most spiritual thing I’ve written so far.”

Photo: Garrett Suhrie

Photo: Garrett Suhrie

Garrett Suhrie, who shot both covers of Taylor’s books, definitely gets the stamp of approval from him. “We’ve collaborated together and he’s been allowing me to use his photographs so all my books now he’s gracing the cover. I’m really proud of his photographs. The covers are really bright and beautiful.”

Not only is Robert Paul Taylor dominating the book world, but his storytelling abilities are transforming to the big screen with three movies projects under his belt for release. “I co-wrote a film called the “By The Rivers of Babylon” and it stars Crispin Glover and Mark Boone Junior from Sons of Anarchy.” The thriller film that will mark Taylor’s first official screenplay credit follows the story of a widow and her estranged son sharing a southern estate with a new caretaker with dementia and decent haunting them all. 

Photo: RadioactiveGiant

Photo: RadioactiveGiant

South32” is another film Robert is working on and is in the pre-production stages with him having a writing and acting credit. “This movie focuses on bullying in America and it’s a big epidemic right now in America that kids are being bullied at school. They’re being bullied online and with every kid in America on their cell phone bullying now transfers over into social media.”

Executive producer Luigi Bian approached Taylor and his writing partner Jake Barsha about the project and wanting to send a message about bullying in America. “So we created this film “South32″ and it focuses on two sisters growing up in the bullying new age America. One of the sisters ends up committing suicide and the older sister, who has really been trying to protect her, decides to stand up for her and her family and approaches the kids that have been bullying her sister,” Taylor said.

Photo: South32 LLC

Photo: South32 LLC

The last film on Taylor’s roster is “Five Piece,” where he plays a drummer in a heavy metal band who battles multiple personality disorder. The film will be directed by Matthew Roth (“The Man Who Collected Food”) and starts production in January 2016.

Before life goes into overdrive for Robert Paul Taylor he will be spending some time in Thailand before taking over Hollywood in the new year and has hopes to go on an official book tour to properly promote his books of poetry.

Keep up with Robert Paul Taylor on Twitter and Instagram @StreetFameBooks and on Facebook at RobertPaulTaylorOfficial.

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Photo: Robert Paul Taylor

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