Amber Rose Brings New Meaning To The ‘Walk Of Shame’ In Funny Or Die Clip

15 Sep2015
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In promotion for Amber Rose‘s sold out ‘Slut Walk,’ she has partnered with Funny Or Die in a new video that brings a new meaning to the “Walk of Shame.”

Usually people are shunned for being caught in last night’s attire heading home the morning after, but in this video Amber Rose is praised and applauded for enjoying herself the night before. As Rose walks her way home in club attire, she’s congratulated for living her best life, being an inspiration to young kids, and she even gets the key to a city from a mayor. Also be sure to watch til the end to see who Rose spent the night with.

Amber Rose’s ‘Slut Walk’ will bring together 6,000 people to walk in support of being against double standards for women, sexual violence, victim blaming, derogatory labels, and gender inequality. It’s taking place Saturday, October 3rd at Pershing Square in Los Angeles.

Watch Amber Rose in the new Funny or Die clip below and share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Photo: Funny Or Die

Categories Comedy

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