Horror Film Icon Wes Craven Died at Age 76

31 Aug2015
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For decades Wes Craven has haunted our nightmares so much so that literally we were afraid to go to sleep in fear of those razor-sharp fingers coming to get us. That legacy will forever be cherished and respected as a pioneer in the film industry as the entertainment world mourns the death of Craven who lost his battle with brain cancer on Sunday, August 30. He was 76.

Wes Craven, most known for “Nightmare on Elm Street” and the “Scream” franchises, died at his home in Los Angeles and leaves behind his wife Iya Labunka. Craven is the horror genre genius behind the original films “The Last House on the Left,” his first feature film, and “The Hills Have Eyes,” with more recent directed films like “Cursed” and “Red Eye,” Craven’s work has spanned generations and inspired a new class of filmmakers.

RIP Wes Craven

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