Wait, Craig and Marco Were Almost A Thing? Former ‘Degrassi’ Stars Reflect on The Show [VIDEO]

25 Aug2015
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Marco and Craig aka Adamo Ruggiero and Jake Epstein have a sit down to discuss Degrassi:The Next Generation in the latest clip from the Straight Talk with Adamo Ruggiero interview series.

“I remember when you, because we were cast around the same time, right after I was cast I got this scene in my room to read for the Marco auditions. And it was a scene, like this kind of love story between, I swear to God, between Craig and Marco, like they were kind of flirting,” Epstein revealed about a missed connection between his character and Ruggiero’s.

Later in the clip, the boys talked about the dynamic character that was Craig Manning and the issues he faced like getting Manny (Cassie Steele) pregnant and dealing with abortion, his abusive parent, bipolar disorder, and dabbling in drug use. I say it all the time, but this show really went there.

Watch Adamo Ruggiero and Jake Epstein in the latest Straight Talk with Adamo Ruggiero below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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