Ice T and Coco Announce The Sex Of Their Baby On Premiere Episode Of Talk Show

03 Aug2015
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At the end of July rapper turned actor Ice T and his wife Coco Austin announced they were expecting their first child together and we would be able to see the moment they told a live studio audience on the premiere of their new couple’s talk show Ice & Coco

On the premiere episode, Ice T and Coco not only revealed the news, but they shared what the sex of their baby will be and the name for the new addition in their family. It’s a girl! “Already got a name…The girl’s name is Chanel,” Ice T told the audience. Coco added, “Yes. Little Chanel. And another thing is people are like, ‘Well how many, how far along are you?'”

Get this, Coco is quite a few months along. “I’m 21 weeks. I’m over 5 months!,” she told the audience.

CONGRATS Ice T and Coco on your baby news.

Watch Ice T and Coco share their baby news announcement below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Ice T & Coco

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