‘Magic Mike XXL’ Brings XXL Dance Sequences, XXL Music, and XXL Everything Else [REVIEW]

01 Jul2015
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Channing Tatum and his beefy band of bros come back to the big screen in “Magic Mike XXL,” in theaters now.

Mike (Tatum) has been out of the stripping game for three years, has a successful furniture business, and a seemingly happy relationship with The Kid’s sister Brooke from the first film. Conniving circumstances reunite Mike with the remaining Kings of Tampa: Tarzan, Big Dick Richie, Ken, and Tito (Kevin Nash, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, and Adam Rodriguez​) as they embark on a road trip of a lifetime through Florida headed to Myrtle Beach for one last blow-out performance at the elaborate stripper’s convention.

Of course I was going to see this, as stupid as the concept of a male stripper movie is, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at how good this film was. Way better than its 2012 counterpart. Not only was there plenty good things to look at, but I don’t remember laughing at “Magic Mike” as much as I did with “Magic Mike XXL.” Below are four main components to keep in mind when checking out the movie.

GIF: giphy

GIF: giphy

The soundtrack: By now it’s safe to say Ginuwine’s “Pony” is the official song for the “Magic Mike” franchise and Channing’s anthem so that always goes off in the theaters but, there were a bunch of old school R&B tracks and updated songs that made the movie so much more entertaining. It had the audience wondering what song they would use next. I found myself singing along or making mental notes of the songs I needed to add to my iPod. P.S.Who knew Backstreet Boys “I Want It That Way” could be so sexy. Yeah, that’s in the movie and during a pretty hilarious scene.

The newcomers: There were some new additions to the cast that, to be honest, I had mixed feelings about but they had some of the best moments in the film. Stephen Boss, nicknamed Twitch, joins the cast as Malik and gives Tatum a run for his money in the dance department. We meet him the same time we meet Jada Pinkett Smith’s character Rome and Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino’s character Andre.

Pinkett Smith’s character was all about empowering the ladies and having them take control of their sexuality and I loved every moment of her on screen. She was a perfect female addition to the cast. While there were two more main ladies: Amber Heard and Elizabeth Banks, their characters did nothing to move the plot along and were there as extra eye candy and props to be used in one of the most important scenes of the film, the finale.

Twitch didn’t say much, if at all, but he danced his butt off and that made up for his non speaking moments. Glover utilized his singing/rapping talent and made for more of the sweeter moments on camera.

The dancing: As promised, Channing Tatum brought more dancing to the sequel because honestly that’s what we came to see. The scene at Rome’s house was amazing. It was the red light district and super sexy, especially when Mike dances to get back in the good graces with Rome. There was a very funny part early on with all the boys taking the stage for the first time but the best scene in the movie is the big finale. Throughout the film, the boys were gearing up to go out with a bang at the convention and they did. Each member of the Kings of Tampa had their own special segment, which they created the idea themselves. It was funny, it was sweet, it was surprising, and a great way to end the movie.

Matt Bomer: Matt Bomer, Matt Bomer, Matt Bomer, he’s so good he needs his own category. Could it be I still see him as my Christian Grey or could it be he’s truly a real life Ken doll, whatever the reason, whenever Matt Bomer came on screen it was good. And um, why didn’t anybody tell me Bomer could blow like that. The singing voice on this man is unreal. He sung twice in the film and did so good in the finale that I immediately went home, searched the soundtrack and brought his songs.

Overall “Magic Mike XXL” is a great movie to round-up your girls once more to see hot men dancing around and even give you an idea or two to spice up your relationship. I give “Magic Mike XXL” four and a half Glamberous kisses.

Watch the latest trailer for “Magic Mike XXL” below. If you saw the movie, or plan on it, share your excitement in the comments.

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Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

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