‘Magic Mike’ Gets An Honest Trailer Before The Sequel Hits Theaters [VIDEO]

30 Jun2015
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Just in time for “Magic Mike XXL,” the folks over at Screen Junkies present a new Honest Trailer for the stripper movie that’s a big deal because Channing Tatum is the star.

In the Honest Trailer, we meet Magic Mike and although “he isn’t a wizard, he’s a hot dude.” The trailer progresses as it makes fun of the serious subplots like drug addiction and backstabbing combined with the abs, ass, and pecks that can be seen throughout the movie.

“Magic Mike XXL” hits theaters tonight with special screenings and everywhere tomorrow, July 1. Be sure to come back to GGB with my review of the film.

Watch the Honest Trailer for “Magic Mike” below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Screen Junkies

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