Get To Know The Dysfunctional ‘Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll’ Family In The New Promos [VIDEOS]

16 Jun2015
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The promos for FX’s Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll may be short but they give you everything you need to hold you over until the premiere date next month.

The comedy series about a former band lead by now washed up singer and musician Johnny Rock gets back together in an attempt to reclaim the fame they were so close to achieving at the peak of their career. SDRR stars Denis Leary along with Elizabeth GilliesElaine Hendrix, Robert KellyJohn AlesJohn Corbett and Josh Pais.

In the new promos titled: “Dysfunctional Band, Dysfunctional Family,” “In The Weeds,” “Puppies, Puppies, Puppies,” “Beauty Treatments,” “A Different High,” “Rear View,” “Vanity Insanity,” “He’s Listening…He Swears,” “Shock To The System,” and “Nice Pants,” we get to see Johnny Rock (Leary) attempting to bond with his estranged daughter Gigi (Gillies), we see Rock trying to make amends with his former band mate Flash (Corbett), mention of drugs, duh, and more!

Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll premieres Thursday, July 16 at 10pm on FX. 

Watch ALL the promos for FX’s Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll in the playlist below and tell GGB if you’ll be watching in the comments.

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Photo: FX

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