Washington NAACP President Rachel Dolezal Exposed After “Disguising” As Black #AskRachel

12 Jun2015
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So what’s the deal with the hashtag “Ask Rachel” you’ve been seeing all day on social media, allow me to attempt to break it down for you.

Rachel Dolezal is president of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP and became a trending topic on Friday when she was outed as a white woman who has been posing as black woman for years. Dolezal’s mother, Ruthanne Dolezal, was the first to speak out against her daughter. She said Rachel was trying to “disguise herself” as black and even went on to claim a black man as her father when both of her biologically parents are Caucasian.

Naturally there was a viral social media storm that produced countless, hilarious memes but that’s the gist of the situation. White girl pretending to be black for years upon years. Read more HERE.

Watch this interview with Rachel Dolezal explaining hate crimes she covered and her ethnicity below and be sure to let me know your take on the situation in the comments.

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