‘Entourage’ Is In Theaters But First Check Out This Honest Trailer From Screen Junkies [VIDEO]

05 Jun2015
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Entourage may be in theaters but here’s your chance to relive the HBO series thanks to the folks over at Screen Junkies with a Honest Trailer about the show.

Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara, Kevin Dillonand, Jeremy Piven played Vincent Chase, Eric, Turtle, Johnny and Ari Gold for eight seasons and brought to life the adventures of Hollywood when some childhood friends along with the star’s agent jump into the crazy entertainment industry.

In the Honest Trailer, Entourage is described as the LA version of Sex and the City but with dudes who live in a fantasy version of the city. Screen Junkies poke fun at the bromance the characters shared on the show, the amount of real celebrity guests stars along with the ones that didn’t actually play themselves and the ones who blew up way bigger than the TV series itself.

Each character is broken down, the highs and lows of relationships and the simple plot points are all highlighted in the Honest Trailer.

Watch the Honest Trailer for Entourage below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Screen Junkies

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