Kristen Stewart Covers June Issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK Starlet opens up about 'Twilight' sex scenes, sexism, and fame in Hollywood

30 Apr2015
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Kristen Stewart covers the June 2015 issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK dressed in Chanel and discusses shooting “grotesquely uncomfortable” sex scenes, sexism in Hollywood and more.

“Having that much human energy thrust at you and then being critically analysed is obviously disarming,” the 25-year-old “Clouds of Sils Maria” actress tells Harper’s about her experience skyrocketing to a high level of fame during the “Twilight” franchise era from 2008 -2012.

Stewart often got the reputation of being awkward on red carpets and during interviews, or appearing to be ungrateful for the success she earned from the popular films but that was not the case. “Control issues make me so nervous. It’s not knowing what’s going to happen. So what people were seeing was what happens when you are terrified.”

Later in the issue, Stewart talked about steamy love scenes in “Twilight” that she did with co-star and ex-boyfriend Robert Pattinson. “I only hate them when they’re contrived. That’s when it’s grotesquely uncomfortable,” she revealed, adding, “On Twilight we had to do the most epic sex scene of all time. It had to be transcendent and otherworldly, inhuman, better sex than you can possibly ever imagine, and we were like, ‘How do we live up to that?’ It was agony. Which sucks, because I wanted it to be so good.”

She also touched on sexism in Hollywood and the idea of fame saying, “Women inevitably have to work a little bit harder to be heard. Hollywood is disgustingly sexist. It’s crazy. It’s so offensive it’s crazy” and “Fame is the worst thing in the world. Especially if it’s pointless. When people say, ‘I want to be famous’ Why? You don’t do anything.”

To read the full story be sure to pick up the June 2015 issue of Harper’s Bazaar UK available now!

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Photo: Harper’s Bazaar UK

Photo: Harper’s Bazaar UK

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