The ‘Avengers’ Cast Play Family Feud, Kind Of, On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’ [VIDEO]

14 Apr2015
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Photo: ABC

Photo: ABC

The Avengers: Age of Ultron” cast stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live in part of promotion for their upcoming film and played a game of “Avengers Family Feud” on the talk show.

Jimmy Kimmel served as the game show host to the split up cast members: Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, and Mark Ruffalo were on team, or family, ” The Americas,” for Captain America, while Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth, and Scarlett Johansson made up “The Mans,” for Iron Man, team.

This version of Family Feud was a little different, instead of the usual three strikes for wrong answers there was two and group answers. Does nobody know how to play Family  Feud? I guess they are busy, huge Hollywood movie stars and don’t have time to sit and watch TV, but it’s not like Family Feud is a new show, it’s been around for generations. Maybe this is the competitive gamer in me that likes to follow the rules and WIN ranting.

The game ended up being a free for all and a joke with name tags, Johansson ended up with two Chris tags on her chest, Ruffalo kept losing his, Hemsworth was Scarlett, and Downey Jr. wore his name tag on his forehead. So who won this crazy game of Family Feud on JKL and what was their prize, you’ll have to watch and see.

“The Avengers: Age of Ultron” will be in theaters May 1.

Watch the cast from “Avengers” play Family Feud on Jimmy Kimmel Live below and share your thoughts with me in the comments.

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