Madonna Gives Drake Intense Kiss During Coachella Performance – The Internet Erupts [VIDEO]

13 Apr2015
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It’s the kiss being shared around the world and getting mixed reactions about what actually went down. Madonna and Drake shared an intense lip lock during the If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late rapper’s set at Coachella on Sunday and the moment has since gone viral.

Madonna took the stage to finish singing Drake’s song, titled using her name, and did a medley of “Human Nature,” “Hung Up” and “Bitch I’m Madonna.” Before the 56-year-old pop goddess left the stage she planted a wet one of the 28-year-old who was sitting center stage in a black chair.

“Bitch I’m Madonna” are the only words the singer said as she exited the stage, leaving a confused Drake saying, “Oh shit, what the fuck just happened” as he laughed. Later on Instagram the two shared photos of the moment.

Drake posted, “Moments to write home about,” with a screen grab of the kiss. Madonna was a bit more vocal about the situation. She uploaded several photos captioned, “Welcome to the Jungle…@coachella#bigasmadonna” and “No caption necessary…@coachella. #bestnight#bigasmadonna #bitchimmadonna.” She also indirectly responded to haters who bashed the kiss posting a photo that read, “If you don’t like me and still watch everything I do. B*tch you’re a fan.”

Of course in this age of social media, the memes popped up almost instantaneously and they were not positive. The all made fun Madonna’s age and made it seem like Drake was disgusted with the kiss. To me personally, I thought Drake was into it. He’s the one that reached up and grabbed Madonna’s head. And the face he made after, I took that as an “OMG I just made out with Madonna,” not a disgusted face, like the internet is taking it as.

So what’s your take on the Madonna-Drake Coachella kiss? Watch the video below and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Moments to write home about

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

No caption necessary ……….@coachella. #bestnight #bigasmadonna #bitchimmadonna A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on

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