Justin Bieber Surprises Fans At Ariana Grande’s Honeymoon Tour Miami Show [VIDEO]

29 Mar2015
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Ariana Grande brought her widely successful Honeymoon Tour to her home state of Florida over the weekend and had a huge surprise for the Miami audience; Justin Bieber performed alongside the 21-year-old pop princess.

Bieber took the stage, whose Comedy Central Roast premieres tomorrow, March 30, with Grande and performed a duet of Grande’s “Love Me Harder,” and two of his own, “All That Matters” and “As Long As You Love Me,” a collaboration with Ariana Grande’s Dark Sky Paradise rapper boyfriend Big Sean.

On Instagram, Grande shared a video of them performing “As Long As You Love Me” with Ariana rapping Sean’s part captioned, “rapping my baby’s verse @bigsean with @justinbieberlast night at my show (reposting bc this was the most fun & idc i love this clip. thanks @jonescrow).” Ariana originally posted two videos of herself on stage with Justin but the comments under them were wild so she deleted them and uploaded just one. 

Of course everyone made a big deal about Justin and Ariana performing together; especially those who ship the two together and then the jokes came rolling in about Big Sean.The internet is a funny place and I found one joke particularly funny [SEE BELOW] but you guys it wasn’t that serious.

Although I’ve watched a bunch of different videos from that night and JB was a bit grabby and touchy on AG like she don’t have a man from Detroit; you could see in some videos how Ariana was trying to keep the performance going and pushing Biebs off when he got too close, but I will tell you one thing, I am here for a JB/AG collaboration especially an “All That Matters” remix.

Watch Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber performing a snippet of Bieber’s “As Long As You Love Me” on The Honeymoon Tour in Miami below.

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