Kelly Osbourne Threatens To Leave Fashion Police Following Controversial Comments About Zendaya

24 Feb2015
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Kelly Osbourne is speaking out against comments that were said on Monday’s E! Fashion Police about 18-year-old actress Zendaya and her choice to wear dreadlocks to Sunday’s Oscars.

On the show, Fashion Police co-host Giuliana Rancic was giving commentary on Zendaya’a red carpet look, and although Rancic first commented on how she loves Zendaya’s style she bashed the star completely when she said her hair made her look like “she smells like patchouli oil, or weed.”

Those comments did not sit well with Zendaya and the internet. Social media was bombarded with messages supporting Zendaya’s Instagram post where she called out the show for bashing her look, along with posts condemning Rancic for her choice of words and comparing Zendaya’s “dirty” locks to Kylie Jenner‘s “edgy” look when she decided to dreadlock her hair. Rancic has since publicly apologized but that’s not enough for her Fashion Police co-host.

In a stream of Twitter posts Kelly Osbourne sounded off on the situation. She first posted, “I WILL NOT BE DRAGED INTO THIS! The situation is being rectified like ADULTS by both parties. I hope you can leave it to them & do the same!” Osbourne added that she’s friends with Zendaya and was giving those involved 24 hours to make the controversy right. She ended with threatening to leave E! Fashion Police posting, “I DID NOT MAKE THE WEED COMENT. I DO NOT CONDONE RACISM SO AS A RSULT OF THIS IM SEREIOULSY QUESTIONONIG STAYING ON THE SHOW!” [SEE BELOW]

Tell me what you think about how this situation escalated? What kind of penalties should Giuliana Rancic face? Talk to me in the comments.

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