Justin Bieber Egged In First Comedy Central Roast Promo [VIDEO]

17 Feb2015
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Photo: YouTube

Photo: YouTube

On Tuesday afternoon, the official Comedy Central Twitter page tweeted a slow motion video of Justin Bieber repeatedly getting eggs tossed at him and breaking on his 20-year-old, perfectly sculpted chest. The caption read, “Watch @ learn how poor, defenseless houses feel. The premieres March 30.”

If you missed that reference, back in 2014 Bieber was caught throwing eggs at his neighbors homes in Calabasas, California resulting in him taking a plea deal for misdemeanor vandalism. He then had to pay his former neighbor $80,000 in damages and do community service. You know that’s going to come up in the roast.

“The Wedding Ringer” actor/comedian Kevin Hart has signed on as roast master for the anticipated event taking place on March 14 and airing later that month.

Watch Justin Bieber get egged in the promo video below for his Comedy Central Roast airing March 30 and tell me if you’re excited for the roast in the comments.

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