‘Billy On The Street’ Goes To DC With First Lady Michelle Obama, Big Bird, And Elena [VIDEO]

17 Feb2015
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

The first Billy On The Street episode of the new year is definitely one for the books. Not only does the New York City based pop culture game show hosted by Billy Eichner head to Washington, D.C. for a special segment, but there are three special guests: First Lady Michelle ObamaSesame Street character Big Bird and Billy On The Street contestant favorite Elena!

During the hilarious clip, the Flotus, Big Bird, and Elena played “Ariana Grande or Eating a Carrot” and a number of other games. The clip ended in NYC with an epic “Lightning Round” with Big Bird. So glad Billy is back because he’s a riot.

Watch Michelle Obama, Big Bird, and Elena on Billy On The Street with Billy Eichner below and share your thoughts with me in the comments.

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