‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Scenes Released + Sneak Peek Of Christian’s Apartment [VIDEO]

04 Feb2015
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Photo: Universal

Photo: Universal

We’re a little more than a week away from meeting Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) on the big screen in “Fifty Shades Of Grey” but before we get to see the full more, we get to check out a few scenes from the film and a peek into the infamous apartment of Mr. Grey.

The Today Show initially debuted the interview scene from “Fifty Shades” and it has since made its rounds. In the scene Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) meets Christian Grey for the first time at Grey Enterprises and interviews him as a favor for her journalist major friend Kate (Eloise Mumford). [SEE BELOW]

The Today Show also shared the hardware store scene where Christian just happens to stop by Ana’s place of work and picks up some much-needed items. Lastly, a peek into Christian Grey’s apartment and how the set was constructed was released online. [SEE BOTH BELOW]

Check out scenes from “Fifty Shades Of Grey” along with a sneak peek into Christian Grey’s apartment below. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments.

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