QOTD: Is Bruce Jenner Really “Transitioning into a Woman”?

31 Jan2015
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Photo: Instagram

For what seems like years, there has been questions and speculations on the appearance of former Olympian Bruce JennerPEOPLE is now confirming that the 65-year-old is transitioning into a woman.

A “source” close to the family told PEOPLE, “Bruce is transitioning to a woman. He is finally happy and his family is accepting of what he’s doing. He’s in such a great space. That’s why it’s the perfect time to do something like this.”

Another “source” told the mag, “He’s being very smart about and also respectful about his transition. Instead of completely shocking everyone, his changes have been subtle, and his family has had the chance to slowly get used to his new looks and life.”

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian West stopped by Entertainment Tonight and discussed, kind of, what was going on with Jenner.

“Well we support Bruce no matter what,” Kim told ET, adding, “On this one I will say that I think that Bruce should tell his story his way.”

ET co-host Kevin Frazier further asked what is Bruce going through and Kardashian West answered, “I think everyone goes through things in life but I do think that story and what Bruce is going through I think that he’ll share whenever the time is right.” [SEE BELOW]

There are also rumors of Bruce Jenner filming a special that is set to air following the Spring season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians about his “journey.” I still kind of don’t believe this story despite Jenner’s subtle new look. I guess we’ll have to wait and see if that special happens this year.

What do you think about Bruce Jenner’s decision on transitioning into a woman? Let’s have a discussion in the comments.

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