Glambergirlblog Speaks With ‘Words on Consignment: A Poet’s Love Story’ Author Tyree Evans

23 Jan2015
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Photo: Tyree Evans

Photo: Tyree Evans

Words on Consignment: A Poet’s Love Story” is a book from up and coming author Tyree Evans and promises to take readers on an amazing journey through words in his first book.

The Delaware State University graduate book is described as a “journey through the world of an inner city artist/educator. Tackling social issues, studying his heroes, dealing with solitude, overcoming obstacles, and learning that love is the most complex emotion known to man are just some of the issues you will encounter on this poetic journey. Through poetry this book will make you want to challenge the status quo and develop a new paradigm to achieve a better tomorrow.”

I spoke with the author and we talked about his inspiration behind the book, his favorite chapter, how to overcome writer’s block and more. Check out some excerpts below.

On the inspiration behind “Words on Consignment: A Poet’s Love Story”: “Words on Consignment: A Poet’s Love Story” is decent man. It’s the masterpiece of 2014 in regards to poetry. But basically what happened was I wrote all this stuff over time, then when I looked at it I was like ‘I got enough poetry here to format it into a book’ but I didn’t know what kind of book I was going to turn it into at the time, I didn’t know it would be poetry. And I just worked at it and worked at it and decided to break the book down into five sections and give you ‘Words on Consignment’ through a story of poetry.”

On what readers should take away from book: “I hope people get that you can do anything you set your mind to as long as you got a vision and you can see it clearly you can get it done. And it sounds cliché and you know it sounds typical but overall the book just showed me through the process of doing this, like I had a few publishing companies asked me if they could publish the book but they wouldn’t give me  what I wanted as far as money wise so I decided to self publish it and then from there on out you just learn a lot.”

On favorite chapter of the book: “Aw man, because I wrote it I love them all equally but if I had to pick one I would say the second chapter, the love section of the book, “Love in my Own Language” is probably my favorite chapter because those poems are near and dear to me. Those poems are about people, those poems are about situations that I’ve been in. Those poems in that section are basically about all the things that I love from women, to writing, to performing, to doing social activities, to building better communities, all things that I love I just wrote.”

On beating writer’s block: “I don’t get writer’s block, like I think you may get tired, fatigue but if you live life enough and you do enough things throughout your life or throughout your day, just walking up the street and seeing somebody, like a homeless people digging through trash gives me inspiration, like why could someone get up everyday and go to work gives me inspiration to write about something. And if you have metaphors and similes and things of that matter that you can just connect it with then everything works.”

You can purchase Tyree Evans book “Words on Consignment: A Poet’s Love Story” on Amazon simply by searching the title and be sure to follow him on social media @TyreeThePoet for updates on all that’s he’s doing.

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