Leaked Tracks: Listen To Nicki Minaj’s New ‘Pinkprint’ Tracks With Beyoncé and Ariana Grande

11 Dec2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

Nicki Minaj‘s third studio album, The Pinkprint, will be released next week, December 15, but two tracks with huge collaborations have been leaked.

Minaj’s track with Beyoncé called “Feeling Myself” boasts about their career success, sexuality and the joys of being a girl. Beyoncé even raps/sings about her surprise album she released last year.

In another leaked track, “Get On Your Knees” featuring Ariana Grande, it’s not pretty hard to imagine what that track is about. And hey, men rap about that all the time, why not let a female rap about the same thing. I honestly love this song more than the Bey track. I think it may be Ariana Grande‘s voice that makes me like this song so much plus the beat is very memorizing.

Listen to Nicki Minaj’s new The Pinkprint tracks with Beyoncé and Ariana Grande HERE then come back here and let me know what you think in the comments.

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