RIP: ‘Hit The Floor’ Talent Stephanie Moseley Found Dead In Believed Murder-Suicide

08 Dec2014
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Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram

VH1’s Hit The Floor cast and crew are mourning the loss of one of their own, dancer Stephanie Moseley.

On Monday, KTLA reported about an incident that drew a SWAT team to a “high-end residential complex” following a call from a resident at Palazzo East at around 7:30am PST. The resident reportedly heard a woman screaming and multiple gun shots.

Once on the scene, officers entered the apartment where they believed the commotion was coming from. They walked towards a closed bedroom door and heard two more gunshots. Two dead bodies were found inside and later identified as Hit The Floor dancer Stephanie Moseley and musician Earl Hayes.

New reports are alleging Hayes killed Moseley then turned the gun on himself.

Stephanie Moseley Hit The Floor co-stars took to social media to express their sorrow of losing a beloved cast member.

Logan Browning, who plays Jelena Howard on Hit The Floor, posted a promo video of Moseley from their VH1 series with the caption, “There will never be another Stephanie Moseley.. I am crushed. Pained to pieces. She lived so much life & yet was only just beginning. God let us borrow an angel & He couldn’t wait to have her back. My sweet sister.. Life without you will forever be dim. I love you. We all love you.”

Valery Ortiz, who plays Raquel Saldana on Hit The Floor, posted an image of Moseley with the caption, “It’s crazy how quickly your head and heart  try to convince you the words aren’t true. It’s like you know what’s been said but your brain is still protecting your heart. Ugh…It’s all still too surreal. RIP bella. I hope you’re smiling like this right now. You’ll be the heart of Season 3.”

McKinley Freeman, who plays Derek Roman on Hit The Floor, also captioned his sentiments of the show’s loss with a photo of the dancer posting, “Man… My heart is heavy over the passing of this lovely, talented, real, amazing woman. Praying that her soul has left this stage and now dances with Angels in heaven on a stage of loftier significance. You will be missed beyond count and measure.”

Taylour Paige, who plays Ahsha Hayes on Hit The Floor, shared her thoughts about her “sister” on Instagram. She posted a photo of the deceased with an emotional caption that started, “You meet people and you wonder how you ever went so many years previously without them. You meet these souls and you know you’ve known them for thousands of years.”

She continued to express her pain of losing “the most beautiful girl in the world.” Paige then added a video of the two of them dancing with the caption, “Sisters forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever forever.” [SEE BELOW]

RIP Stephanie Moseley and Earl Hayes. GGB’s thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones.

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Sisters forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever forever

A video posted by taylour_paige (@taylour_paige) on

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